Another Liebster Award

I got another Liebster Award from one of my beauty blogger buddies, Yessy from Sweet Raspberry Sorbet. *thank you*

Liebster Award from Yessy >> here

She gave me 11 questions, so here we go, let's answer them! 

11 question for you! HAHA
1. How would you define beauty?
some feeling that can make you attract with someone from the first sight lol *beauty inside outside*

2. What is your must have makeup item? The one you can't live without.
Eyeliner!!!! I have small eyes, so I need them to make my small eyes look bigger

3. Which part of you, you love the most?
Hmmm. Maybe my nails

4. Natural or Bold lipstick?
I love pink lipstick so much. Maybe natural one? *My boyfriend hates bold lipstick*

5. What is your holy grail foundation?
Yves Saint Laurent Le Teint Touche Eclat

6. Sunny day or rainy one?
It's hard to choose, I hate sun because it can makes my skin darker but I also hate rain because this city could be sink. Okay, I prefer sunny day *I can use sunblock and jacket + sunglass*

7. Coffe or tea? Why?
Tea!!!!!! I love tea so much, relax my mind maybe? I love Lemon Tea, Peach Tea, many types of tea >.<

8. Korean cosmetic or Japanese cosmetic?
Of course Korean cosmetics. I love everthing about Korea and I love to explore Korean cosmetics, maybe there will be hundreds or thousands brand of Korean cosmetics *excited when I answer this question*

9. Pink hair. Yay or Nay?
Full Pink hair nay, everyone will scream if I just tell them if I want to dye my hair with shocking color like pink. If ombre hair maybe I would like to try :P

10. High-end cosmetic or drugstore? Why?
Drugstore for know. I still can't earn money by myself :P

11. O.P.I or Sally Hansen? Why?
Sally Hansen maybe. I prefer nail polish from Korean :P

Thank you Yessy for nominated me ^^

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